Adware is a program that displays ads to the user. The ads can be pop-up screens so called interstitial ads, ordinary banners within the program, ads in the active browser windows frame as the ads Web3000 where displaying and of any other type of ads displayed to for the user. The adware programs are generally two programs, one that does some thing useful and one that displays the ads.
The key for the users that they can use the programs free-of-charge and the key to. The developer is to get paid for all the free programs. For example last year we made more than twice the money of the adware than on the registrations. Not that the registration rates where low in any kind more the fact that every user who tried the adware/shareware programs from Rosoft Engineering generated money even though they got the program for free. Unfortunately the ad revenue has gone down the last year.
Adware developers and we the software developers have to keep a balance between fair revenue and not showing to much ads. To do what Web3000 did wasn't that good, at the end the bombarded the users with ads forcing many to uninstall immediately and that gave us a very bad feedback. 180Solutions model is far better. They have no spyware included and the ad looks like the rest of the pop-up ads you see when you are browsing.
Generally you uninstall the adware from the Control Panel. In some cases like with Web3000 you need to uninstall all programs that came with Web3000. With programs like n-CASE from 180Solutions you can uninstall the adware only or uninstall a file called msbb.exe. The program that came with the adware may however stop working when you do so.
Adware should not be mistaken as spyware. A spyware program is a program that gathers personal information of how you serf. A program that gathers information on how you serf but don't connect the information to any personal data is not a spyware. In this case the part that gathers the information can't see who is surfing where and when. The can only see how many are visiting certain sites and what type of sites. The way 180Solution gathers the information is by connecting the data to a number that is unique to every user. No personal data is connected to this number. Some ads shown may however ask you for information. That could be from advertisers that are using the network that are displaying the ads for you. If you don't like spyware you simply don't reply to these ads, just ignore them.
The limited program comes with an adware program. An adware program is a program that displays ads on your PC. At the moment I have a contract with 180Solution that supports me with a program called n-CASE that I ship with my limited programs
It is the adware program that makes it possible for you to try the limited edition of Rosoft CD Extractor for as many as 30 trials. My goal is to let the limited editions be unlimited in use as long as you have the adware installed. Unfortunately the Internet Ad Market has been low the last year and many adware companies have gone under including my former partner Web3000. I lost about US$5,000 on this bankruptcy. With 180Solutions things are begging to be normal again.
The income from the adware is as much as from the registrations and some times even more. Last year I made more than $40,000 on the adware. I think the adware is perfect for small software manufactures as Rosoft Engineering. A good thing with adware is that Rosoft Engineering gets paid while you users are able to use the programs free-of-charge as long as the adware is installed.
An adware program doesn't necessarily have to be a spyware program. The program I now include with my limited editions is no spyware. However the adware program may pop-up ads with questions but as long as you don't answer any of these no information is gathered. The only information that is gathered by 180Solutions is a unique developer id and my developer id. This is used to track the number of ads shown on your computer. For more information about 180Solutions privacy look here.